- 기판 370ⅹ470㎟ | |
- 자계 리니어 서보 모터 | |
- 헤드 높이 자동조절 기능 | |
- 자동 코팅 시작 기능 | |
- 헤드 립 자동 클리닝 기능(옵션) | |
* Coater size(㎣) 955(H)×1300(L)×850(D) |
CCD Camera
Built-in, monitor for
CCD camera includedWorking Plate
Linear servo stage
Area: 400 × 500 ㎟
Speed: 1 ~ 100 mm/s
Heating plate
Plate level adjustableTouch Screen
Dual monitor
Monitor angle adjustableCoating Module
Coating gap: ≥ 1 μm
Repeatability: ±1 μm
Coating width: max. 300 ㎜
Basic: z-axis (head up/down)
Option: y-axis, θ-axis
Large-area organic thin films with high uniformity
e.g, OLED lighting panels, organic solar cells, electrochromic devices, etc.)
Slot coating : Conductive PEDOT/HIL PEDOT
Ag metal gird : Screen printing
Substrate size : 370mm x 470mm
Slot coating : HIL/EML
Evaporation : ETL / AI
Substrate size : 370mm x 470mm
Fabrication of fine and curved thin-film stripes
Use the meniscus guide with u-tip
u-Tip using PET or PI film fabricated by a laser cutter
Fabrication of large-area anti-Moire filter
Feasible by slot-die coating of 20-um-size particles